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Busting the 5 biggest EV myths

Woman charging EV

Electric vehicles (EVs) are one of the fastest growing areas of transportation today. As more people switch to electric, it's important to dispel some of the most common myths about EV driving. Here are the biggest EV driving myths, debunked.

Myth 1: EVs are too expensive

Man showing an empty wallet

Cost is one of the biggest concerns people have when considering an EV. While it's true that EVs could cost more upfront than petrol or diesel vehicles, the long-term cost savings make up for the initial investment. EVs are cheaper to maintain, have fewer moving parts, and require no oil changes or tune-ups. Plus, many local governments offer EV incentives, such as tax credits or rebates, to help offset the cost. Furthermore, we see more affordable EVs coming to market, such as this list by CarWow with Cars around and below 30,000 EUR.

Myth 2: EVs range is much worse than the one of a petrol/diesel vehicle

Woman enjoying ride in EV

Another common myth is that EVs have a horrible range. While some EVs can't travel as far as gasoline vehicles, many have a range of around 500/600 km. That's more than enough for most daily commutes. Plus, if you need to go farther, there are now many more public charging stations and EV charging networks available, allowing you to recharge on the go. Furthermore you can get help with planning your journeys with EV route planners. We at Cariqa offer a route planner free of charge which enables you to calculate your routes in seconds and Cariqa allocates charging points along your route to avoid d-tours.*

Myth 3: The act of charging the EV is difficult

EV charging

Charging an EV can seem intimidating at first, but it's actually quite simple. Most EVs come with a standard charger that plugs into a regular wall outlet, and many also come with a portable charger that you can take with you. There are also public charging stations that allow you to quickly recharge your EV when you're out and about.

Also here you can have a look at how Cariqa helps you with charging. You won’t need to download different charging provider apps, as with Cariqa you can charge at over 270,000 chargers for one fixed fee. This way you just rock up, scan the QR code and start charging. 

Myth 4: EV charging is slow

Woman waiting for EV to finish charging

EV charging doesn't have to be slow - it all depends how you manage your EV. There are fast and super fast chargers publicly available, that allow you to quickly and conveniently charge. The typical charging time on a fast charger takes around 30 Minutes. Slow/Standard chargers in cities can take 4-6 hours. 

Myth 5: EVs are as bad for the environment as regular vehicles

EV is good for the environment

EVs have zero exhaust emissions, meaning they don't contribute to air pollution whilst on the road. Often we hear the argument that EVs release a lot of emissions for the production - whilst this is true, after around 22,000 km an electric vehicle becomes carbon neutral (example of Tesla Model 3). Overall, EVs produce almost 3 times less CO2 emissions than fossil fuel cars. Not to underestimate are the CO2 levels produced by transporting fuel. Electric pipelines are already built and can deliver electricity fast without expensive transport costs and extensive CO2 emissions. Plus, some of the charging points use electricity that is generated from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels further. **

EVs are a great option for anyone looking to reduce their environmental impact and for the ones that want to experience a new way of mobility. Of course the EV market is still far from perfect, but there are ways around remaining challenges with the right tools. 

Why don’t you check out Cariqa, the EV app that can help you navigate the most difficult challenges associated with EV driving?
You can download Cariqa now on the App store and Google Play Store. **

*Source: EVBOX

**Sources: Virta, Reuters